
Sponsership for Sangli art Foundation
Posted by Vaibhav Bodas
The NPMPD Company is proud to have a long history of sponsoring major events, organizations and projects.
When it comes to Sangli Art foundation  sponsors, NPMPD  has been there from the beginning. As an official sponsor of Sangli Art foundation, we are proud to be a part of this amazing celebration of talent. 
Our NPMPD  Family offers different themes and activities to encourage people to "play together" and to enjoy moments of happiness and fun.
New Year’s resolutions
Posted by Vaibhav Bodas
For many, New Year’s resolutions often feel like a forced, trite way to make a change. After all, if you really wanted to change, why would you wait around for January First? You’d be better off just making sporadic changes throughout the year, right?
Well, that strategy doesn’t always pan out like we’d like it to. Waiting until you "feel ready" to change often enables you to push aside goals that are important, but not time-sensitive. 
If you’re serious about making a change, it’s important that you put specific, time-bound goals in place in order to achieve success. And the great thing about resolutions is they don’t have to just live in your personal life; they can be a powerful aid to help you grow your business, too.